Our Story
Brewing Tea for 5 Generations
Tea has always been treasured in our family. Over the past 120 years, our family has produced and sold tea to people all over the world to enjoy. Our tea is all natural and never touched by a factory. It's grown from our own land and given the most attention until it is packaged and shipped to the customer. Tea is in our blood, and we want to be a part of your daily routine of consuming it. It has proven health benefits both physicall and mentally and great for any time of day. Our company is family owned and if focused on giving you the best quality in the city of New Orleans. Let us do the hard work of creating the so you can focus on the main purpose of tea, to relax. There's nothing more important than a fresh cup of tea to unwind and mellow out. We're here for you. Trust us, and let us help you unravel in Four Pixels Tea.
*Please note that Four Pixels Tea is NOT a real tea store. This website was made purely for portfolio purposes.*